Are these new impositions good or bad for American manufacturing, employment, and solar energy development?
The Relevance of Microgrids
Signs Of Greener Times
With some rather peculiar coal subsidies being pushed by the U.S. Department of Energy at present, our energy policies certainly can feel like they’re moving backwards. But despite the strange, heavy-handed attempt at market interventions from Secretary Perry, economic factors and renewable technology advancements will likely make this attempt to resurrect a dying industry too little, too late.
Energy Efficient: Lessons From the Northwest
Energy efficiency is a truly remarkable resource. Though it is mostly invisible, its benefits in terms of environmental and economic savings are very much tangible to those who effectively implement it. In the United States, different regions have pushed energy efficiency initiatives to varying degrees. All EE programs have their benefits, and generally, the more aggressive and comprehensive a program is, the more that region’s energy consumers stand to gain. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Pacific Northwest - let’s take a look.
SunShot Shines Bright
Northeast States Lead on Emission Reductions
Given the stance of the current occupant of the White House on climate policies, it’s fair to say that the recent outlook for the environment has been bleak. However, every action (or inaction) has a reaction. In the post-Trump era, we’ve already been witness to inspiring solidarity and unity amongst states, cities and companies that have chosen to fully reject the science-denial narrative coming from the executive branch, and move forward with bold, effective climate action.
Battery Storage Powers Forward
One common criticism of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind is that they only work when the sun shines and the wind blows. With large-scale energy storage ventures being undertaken from Australia to Massachusetts, companies like Tesla are aiming to disprove that argument from sea to shining sea.
Energy Efficiency: The Low-Hanging Fruit in Combatting Climate Change
We all want clean energy sources to power our homes, businesses, and transportation.Thanks to the bold endeavors of companies and entrepreneurs who have battled through significant opposition, sustainable, scalable renewable energy is finally becoming a reality. But there is another half to this puzzle that is discussed far too little: energy efficiency. Energy efficiency has significant benefits on people's health, and can help save tremendous amounts of money for businesses, families and governments. But more importantly, it is a critical tool in reducing society’s carbon footprint and avoiding further damage to our climate.
Putting The Conservation Back In Conservative: Part II
Our neighbors and relatives of different political opinions are not our opponents, but rather our partners in a collaborative process of democracy and societal growth. Though it’s often easy to focus on our differences, most Americans, regardless of their political affiliations, want many of the same things. Environmentally and economically, we are at a pivotal period in time which requires unprecedented cooperation amongst citizens and businesses in order to achieve a better future. In part one of this entry, I laid out the historical precedence for collaboration across party lines to mutual gain, and the benefits of utilizing new talking points to connect with conservative friends.
In part two, we’ll delve more deeply into the job numbers and economic advantages behind the renewables revolution, and connect these aspects to Republican ideals.
Putting the Conservation Back In Conservative: Part I
Very often, we can become jaded by the polarization of our political culture. In the era of Trump, where science-denial is the adopted stance of the federal government, it’s absolutely critical we find ways to reach out to our neighbors and discover common ground to create viable solutions to our problems.
This two-part piece explores these ideas, and challenges the traditional approach of progressive environmental politics in order to foster new alliances and to actualize solutions.