Thank you, guest blogger Mikayla Heiss, for your PPA rundown. Want to know the ins and outs of PPAs? Read on!
A Future Without Natural Gas
In our Feb. 20th post, "COLD SNAP: NEW ENGLAND DOESN’T NEED MORE NATURAL GAS," we argued against adding more pipeline for natural gas, despite the severe storms and temperatures we have been seeing in New England. To take the idea a step further, we explored the idea of "electrification." Read on to see our case for this gas-less option.
The Relevance of Microgrids
SunShot Shines Bright
Battery Storage Powers Forward
One common criticism of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind is that they only work when the sun shines and the wind blows. With large-scale energy storage ventures being undertaken from Australia to Massachusetts, companies like Tesla are aiming to disprove that argument from sea to shining sea.
Three Ways Clean Energy Is Good for Our Health
The SunShot Initiative Lowers Prices, Helps People
Three Ways Third-Gen Clean Energy Tech Can Protect Vulnerable Communities
As discussed in our article "What Is Energy Democracy?" traditional energy sources are profit driven and aggravate climate change. Climate change has been linked with severe weather events, which in turn jeopardize the grid’s reliability. Clean energy technologies can help lessen the damage a vulnerable community may experience following a severe climatic event or natural disaster.