resilient urban neighborhoods (RUN)

This year, Resilient Urban Neighborhoods and the Green Justice Coalition (RUN-GJC) team were honored as the 2023 NECEC (Northeast Clean Energy Council & NECEC Institute) Partnership of the Year!

This recognition is a reminder that collaborations are the key to 21st century progress! Climable and the rest of the RUN-GJC team hope that our microgrid projects will serve as the blueprints to allow communities to access the benefits of cleaner, local sources of energy while improving climate resilience.

Read the full article HERE!

Resilient Urban Neighborhoods is a collaboration between clean energy technical organizations Climable, Clean Energy Solutions, Inc., Peregrine Energy Group, and Synapse Energy Economics that assists local grassroots organizations with clean energy projects for their communities. The team’s goal is to increase renewable energy generation and storage technologies in Massachusetts and beyond, create new localized business opportunities, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The team believes that clean energy should be accessible to everyone, not just affluent communities, institutions, and industries. One ideal vehicle for this work is a distributed, clean-energy microgrid. RUN promotes energy democracy by taking the traditional microgrid model and adjusting it to accommodate buildings across a community, in contrast to a traditional campus-style microgrid. In this way, people and communities can exercise control over their energy future. Adding electric vehicles and reliable communications to the model allows a community to prosper in place in an emergency. In this approach, grassroots partners have decision-making power since it is the community that knows best what it needs. To learn more about microgrids, visit our microgrids page. To learn more about RUN’s microgrid model, download this PDF here!

The RUN Team, in partnership with the Green Justice Coalition (GJC), recently completed feasibility assessments for clean, community microgrids in Chelsea, MA and Boston’s Chinatown. The detailed reports are available below:

Download the Chelsea Community Microgrid Feasibility Assessment PDF here.

Download the Chinatown Community Microgrid Feasibility Assessment PDF here.

Read more about RUN’s microgrid model below!


Click on the file to the left to read about the history of the Chelsea and Chinatown community microgrids RUN and the Green Justice Coalition, RUN-GJC, have been working on since 2016! This document provides background on the project as well as summaries of the feasibility study findings and updates on the projects as of 2023.

We had a great conversation in Rhode Island about our microgrid projects in Massachusetts and potentially creating them in Rhode Island! To watch the microgrids workshop, click here or click on the image above!

We had a great conversation in Rhode Island about our microgrid projects in Massachusetts and potentially creating them in Rhode Island! To watch the microgrids workshop, click here or click on the image above!